Pre-Order Medicinal and Tea Seedlings
Orders close April 1st. Seedlings will be available close to Mother’s Day, you will be emailed the available pickup days as we get closer. All grown with organic materials and methods and will be ready to go into the ground when you get them. 4 inch pots.
Ashwagandha- A tender perennial that reaches up to 36 inches tall and grows in full sun. It is drought, tolerant, requires slightly alkaline, soil, and little to no fertilizer. The plant will produce paper, husk fruits like tomatillos that will dry when the roots are ready for a harvest. The medicine of this plant comes from the roots.
Calendula- This is a wonderful self-seeding annual which means once you get some in the ground new ones will grow every year. I use this flower a lot in balms, soaps and teas and it’s magic is in the flowers. They are so easy to cut and dry. 
Marshmallow- As the name suggests, this herb was the original ingredient in marshmallows. I use it in teas because of the wonders it works on the throat on treating a dry cough, but it also has wound healing properties due to its antibacterial activity . This perennial will come back and spread every year and its power is in its roots.